Human Rights Management

PetOne Co., Ltd respects the fundamental rights of all stakeholders, including employees, clients, and partners.
To prevent human rights violations and mitigate related risks, we declare and commit to adhering to this human rights charter while incorporating stakeholder opinions on human rights matters.

Human Rights Management

1. Voluntary Labor

All labor must be voluntary. We do not hire forced labor, bonded labor, or human trafficking victims.

2. Prohibition of Inhumane Acts

Employees must not be subjected to harassment, abuse, or harsh treatment, including sexual harassment, physical punishment, or verbal abuse.

3. Non-Discrimination

We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, disability, religion, or political views in hiring, wages, promotion, or training.

4. Prohibition of Child Labor

We do not hire underage workers, defined as individuals younger than 15 or the legal minimum working age in the region. Workers under 18 must not perform hazardous tasks.

5. Maternity Protection

We adhere to laws supporting gender equality and work-life balance. Pregnant workers receive leave and benefits without disadvantage and are protected from hazardous work environments.

CEO, PetOne Park Sang-ho