Ethical Management

At PetOne Co., Ltd, we consider ethical management as the cornerstone of corporate governance.
We strive to be a trusted partner to various stakeholders and to enhance the value we provide to our clients.
All members of PetOne Co., Ltd, including employees and executives, are expected to use this Ethical Charter as a basis for decision-making and conduct in their professional activities.

Ethical Charter

1. Prohibition of Bribery and Solicitation

- No monetary or non-monetary form of illegal or unethical benefit or bribe should be received from, or offered to, any stakeholder or promised.
- Unlawful solicitation between employees and stakeholders, or among internal employees, is prohibited.

2. Conflict of Interest

- When conflicts of interest between the company and personal interests are unavoidable, actions should be taken with priority given to the interests of the company and its clients, within the bounds of legality.

3. Insider Trading

- Confidential information, knowledge, or data obtained directly or indirectly through job performance should not be leaked or used for personal gain.

4. Abuse of Authority

- Use of job authority or position to exert undue influence or pursue illegal benefits for the company or oneself is prohibited.

5. Document Creation and Reporting

- Do not create or report documents based on manipulated content such as concealment, understatement, exaggeration, or false information, nor share such documents with internal or external stakeholders.

6. Collusion and Unfair Competition

- Do not agree to restrict competition unfairly with other businesses regarding product or service prices, supply quantities, trading areas, or conditions.
- Do not acquire information through unethical methods from competitors, partners, or other entities, and do not use or disclose information obtained illicitly by the company or third parties.

7. Fair Contracting

- Seek fair and mutually beneficial relationships with partners, select suppliers justly, provide written contracts (including electronic contracts), make reasonable pricing decisions, and avoid unfair special agreements or subcontract payment practices.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

- Protect the trade secrets of partner companies and do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.

9. Personal Data Protection

- Protect all information related to employees, clients, and other stakeholders, and comply with personal data and information security laws and regulations when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, or sharing information.
- Do not engage in activities that unlawfully infringe upon customer personal data.

10. Customer Value Realization

- Ensure that the quality standards necessary for providing the best products and services to clients are not compromised.
- Listen to customer feedback and actively accommodate reasonable demands and suggestions. Provide accurate and useful information about products and services to help clients make informed decisions, and avoid providing false or exaggerated information.

CEO, PetOne Park Sang-ho