Environmental Management

PetOne Co., Ltd Co., Ltd. recognizes the creation of a safe and healthy workplace and environmentally friendly management as core values.
We aim to minimize environmental impacts and use energy efficiently by practicing eco-friendly management in collaboration with employees, clients, and partners to promote sustainable development.
Environmental Management Policy

1. Employee Roles
All employees shall strive to reduce environmental impacts and protect the environment through energy-saving measures and their respective roles in eco-friendly management.
2. Social Responsibility and Legal Compliance
Fulfill social responsibilities related to environmental protection and diligently comply with domestic regulations to uphold our commitment as a sustainable company.
3. Environmental Management Processes
Establish, operate effectively, and continuously improve environmental management processes.
4. Environmental Safety Management
Regularly review environmental safety management to contribute to the health and quality of life of employees.
5. 임직원, 협력사 및 이해관계자의 환경 의식을 제고하고 환경경영 활동에 자발적으로 참여하는 기업문화를 조성한다.
Enhance the environmental awareness of employees, partners, and stakeholders, and foster a corporate culture that encourages voluntary participation in environmental management activities.
CEO, PetOne Park Sang-ho
Employee Action Guidelines
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Activities from Digital Device Use
1. Power Saving Modes
Set IT equipment to power-saving mode, reduce screen resolution and monitor brightness. Activate power-saving mode during breaks and lunchtime, and turn off laptops when not in use. Reducing monitor brightness by 70% can save 20% energy.
2. Email Management
- Unsubscribe from unread newsletters, block spam emails, and organize your mailbox to save data and reduce server power consumption.
3. Streaming Alternatives
- Download rather than stream repetitive videos or audio.
4. Privacy Mode and Bookmarks
- Use privacy mode (incognito mode) to block external data transfers and bookmarks to reduce search steps and save energy.
5. Minimize Unnecessary IT Device Use
- Avoid unnecessary use of IT devices and extend replacement cycles. Significant digital carbon footprints are generated during smartphone production.
Everyday Actions
1. Adjust Office Temperature
- Lower heating by 2°C and raise cooling by 2°C.
2. Use Stairs
- Prefer public transport over private vehicles.
3. Use Public Transportation
- Prefer public transport over private vehicles.
4. Waste Management
- Practice waste separation, reduce paper use, hold paperless meetings, and minimize disposable items.
5. Purchase Green Products
- Green products are those that minimize energy/resource input, greenhouse gas, and pollutants. Refer to environmental label products, excellent recycling (GR) products, and low-carbon certified products on the Green Product Information System (greenproduct.go.kr)
Environmental Management Organization

Environmental Management
PetOne Co., Ltd Co., Ltd. recognizes the creation of a safe and healthy workplace and environmentally friendly management as core values.
We aim to minimize environmental impacts and use energy efficiently by practicing eco-friendly management in collaboration with employees, clients, and partners to promote sustainable development.
Environmental Management Policy

1. Employee Roles
All employees shall strive to reduce environmental impacts and protect the environment through energy-saving measures and their respective roles in eco-friendly management.
2. Social Responsibility and Legal Compliance
Fulfill social responsibilities related to environmental protection and diligently comply with domestic regulations to uphold our commitment as a sustainable company.
3. Environmental Management Processes
Establish, operate effectively, and continuously improve environmental management processes.
4. Environmental Safety Management
Regularly review environmental safety management to contribute to the health and quality of life of employees.
5. 임직원, 협력사 및 이해관계자의 환경 의식을 제고하고 환경경영 활동에 자발적으로 참여하는 기업문화를 조성한다.
Enhance the environmental awareness of employees, partners, and stakeholders, and foster a corporate culture that encourages voluntary participation in environmental management activities.
CEO, PetOne Park Sang-ho
Employee Action Guidelines
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Activities from Digital Device Use
1. Power Saving Modes
Set IT equipment to power-saving mode, reduce screen resolution and monitor brightness. Activate power-saving mode during breaks and lunchtime, and turn off laptops when not in use. Reducing monitor brightness by 70% can save 20% energy.
2. Email Management
- Unsubscribe from unread newsletters, block spam emails, and organize your mailbox to save data and reduce server power consumption.
3. Streaming Alternatives
- Download rather than stream repetitive videos or audio.
4. Privacy Mode and Bookmarks
- Use privacy mode (incognito mode) to block external data transfers and bookmarks to reduce search steps and save energy.
5. Minimize Unnecessary IT Device Use
- Avoid unnecessary use of IT devices and extend replacement cycles. Significant digital carbon footprints are generated during smartphone production.
Everyday Actions
1. Adjust Office Temperature
- Lower heating by 2°C and raise cooling by 2°C.
2. Use Stairs
- Prefer public transport over private vehicles.
3. Use Public Transportation
- Prefer public transport over private vehicles.
4. Waste Management
- Practice waste separation, reduce paper use, hold paperless meetings, and minimize disposable items.
5. Purchase Green Products
- Green products are those that minimize energy/resource input, greenhouse gas, and pollutants. Refer to environmental label products, excellent recycling (GR) products, and low-carbon certified products on the Green Product Information System (greenproduct.go.kr)
Environmental Management Organization